Empower Growth
Hello Gorgeous,
Welcome to Hustler Allure Beauty Shop.
My name is Concepcion Ortiz, and I am the owner and founder of this amazing Latina-owned beauty shop. I built this company from the ground up with very little experience with make-up. Here is my story: After my marriage ended, I felt like my life was over. I felt ugly, ashamed, embarrassed and unworthy. My self-esteem was gone. I could not be in the same environment that crushed my soul. I moved to another state in hopes of having a fresh start. I started working and practicing self-love. I started watching other make-up artists and influencers and learned how to apply make-up. I cannot express how powerful make-up is. Make-up can turn you into a whole different person, mentally & physically. I started working out and just taking care of myself. Make-up gave me confidence and once you get that confidence back you recognize your own strength, you feel beautiful again, you learn the difference between being selfish and self-love. Take care of your body, skin & your soul. Hustler Allure Beauty Shop proudly supports Latin heritage and cultures.
Hola Preciosa,
Bienvenido a Hustler Allure Tienda de Belleza.
Mi nombre es Concepción Ortiz, y soy la dueña y fundadora de este increíble tienda de belleza. Construí esta empresa desde cero con muy poca experiencia con el maquillaje. Aquí les va mi historia: Después de que mi matrimonio terminó, sentí que mi vida había terminado. Me sentía fea, avergonzada y indigna. Mi autoestima había desaparecido. No podía estar en el mismo ambiente que destryo mi alma. Me mudé a otro estado con la esperanza de tener un nuevo comienzo. Empecé a trabajar y a practicar el amor propio. Comencé a ver a otros maquilladores e influencers y aprendí a maquillarme. No puedo expresar lo poderoso que es el maquillaje. El maquillaje puede convertirte en una persona completamente diferente, mental y físicamente. Empecé a hacer ejercicio y a cuidarme. El maquillaje me dio confianza y una vez que recuperas esa confianza reconoces tu propia fuerza, te sientes hermosa de nuevo, aprendes la diferencia entre ser egoísta y amor propio. Cuida tu cuerpo, piel y tu alma. Hustler Allure tienda de belleza se enorgullece de apoyar la herencia y las culturas latinas.
Your Beauty
Comes First
Beauty is how you feel inside. I don't know about you but when I look great on the outside, it makes me feel good about myself. I remember feeling so small and damaged at one point in my life but make up saved me and my self-esteem. The beauty industry helped me believe in myself again. Always remember to put yourself first.
I built Hustlers Allure Beauty Shop to remind my clients of the power they have to create the life you want. You have the power to control how you look and how you feel. Make-up gives you the opportunity to express yourself and show your creativity.